Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Five Things to Know About Hair Transplant

Are you planning to get back the hair through Hair Transplantation in Dubai? If yes then you must understand five facts related to this surgery.

It is minimally invasive procedure

There are many people who are afraid of blood and needles, so they hesitate to pick this surgery for them. However, there is no need to get worry about this surgery. Although blood loss is possible during the procedure but it will be negligible. Since surgery will be done on the back of head, so you don’t need to look yourself. Surgeon advice you to watch movie or read a book while he will be busy in doing your surgery.

No need of week Rest

Interestingly, you don’t need to get away from your work and office for many weeks. When you visit FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai for an advanced hair restoration procedure then you would be able to resume office work one day after the surgery. However, if you undergo through FUT surgery then you need to wait for almost three days. Nevertheless, there is no much downtime is involved. It is advisable to avoid heavy exercises and weight-lifting activities for up to three weeks after the surgery.

Transplanted hair will be permanent

The best thing about transplanted hairs is that they grow forever. Actually, transplanted hair has genetic property of showing great resistance for hair loss. Once transplanted hair starts growing then this growth will last for long term.

Don’t plan surgery before right time

There are certain people who experience hair loss from their childhood or teenage. It is strongly advisable to avoid hair transplant surgery in early age. If a person undergoes through surgery in his teenage then further hair loss in upcoming years will definitely affect the results of this surgery.

You are your own donor

Patient must know that hair transplant surgeon use his own hair for transplantation in Dubai. Only your identical twin could be your donor in this procedure and no other person.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Women and Men Hair Loss Treatment in Dubai

According to medical research, 95 percent of men experience hair loss problem due to a condition known as Androgenetic alopecia. This condition is commonly called male pattern baldness. In many cases, patient experience progressive hair loss due to this condition. They lost not only their frontal hairline but also crown hair. In women, Androgenetic alopecia is a reason of baldness but it is not the main reason. There are many other contributing factors such as low thyroid levels, hormonal imbalances, binge dieting, and pregnancy.

Generally, women opt for strip hair transplant surgery because they aren’t worried about the linear scar after this surgery; they can hide the scar behind with their hair. They avoid to wear short hair that may prominent the back scar of the surgery. Women opt for FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai since it is a cost-effective method. 

They are capable to restore dense hair through a mega-session with the mean of this hair transplant. They are not really worried about the scar that is the major shortcoming of this traditional hair restoration method.

As far as men are concerned, they usually like to visit FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai because they don’t want to get a big linear visible scar after the surgery. They go for no scalpel and no scar surgery know as Follicle unit extraction. They know that this surgery is quite expensive but they like the flawless results of this surgery. They often have to keep their hair short, so if they undergo through a strip hair transplant then chances of this scar’s visibility to others are great. Men feel definitely embarrass when some other people notice this scar and realize that they have transplanted hair. So, the best way to get rid of such embarrassment is to plan for FUE hair transplantation.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Why People Opt for Hair Transplant Dubai?

These days, more and more men have undergone through Hair Transplant in Dubai treatments. In past, people were hesitant to undergo through surgical method because they consider it quite dangerous. However, this trend has changed completely since people have realized the benefits of this treatments. Here are some main causes that push the patient of hair loss to go for a cosmetic surgery of their head.

Permanent Results

Hair Transplant Dubai is the permanent solution for hair loss problem. It is a fact that people who suffer hair loss heavily rely on hair care products. After constant use of such over-the-counter products, they realize that they might prevent further hair loss via them but they surely need a useful and long lasting remedy for their lost hair. Hair care products can not begin the growth of new hair but this can be possible with a hair loss surgical treatment. In hair transplantation, surgeon transplants new hair into bald area. The hair growth of transplanted hairs is just like other hairs of body. This growth is permanent and never gets affected again since transplanted hair possess genetic resistance power against hair loss. In simple words, people who have transplanted hair never face hair loss problem in their treated areas.

Safe Procedure

In FUT and FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai, surgeons always plan a consultation session. The main purpose of this session is to tell every single fact of hair transplant to the patient. When a person knows complete information of procedure then he comes to know that it is not dangerous. In case a person has some confusion or questions regarding hair restoration process then he should consult with a surgeon, who would surely address all concerns of patient in detail. Though there are certain risks involved in the procedure but generally speaking this procedure is quite safe for both men and women.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Always Choose Expert FUE Hair Transplant Dubai

The people who look for quick hair restoration must visit FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai. At this place, they are capable to meet with expert surgeon who knows how to present a gift of natural looking and permanent hair to a patient of hair loss. FUE is an advanced technique and only expert hair transplant surgeon can do it in a right and accurate manner. Therefore, it is always advisable to choose an expert FUE hair transplant surgeon in Dubai.

Locating an experienced surgeon won’t be hard these days because every hair transplant website offers you a chance to grab their complete work details. Your task is to search for the best surgeon. Search for best hair transplant Dubai clinics and you would be able to find many results in a matter of seconds. Pick some of these results. Open website and check the academic and experience history of FUE surgeon. Note down details of some surgeon and then check for some online customer review. There are some review websites that let you read the customer reviews. In case you don’t find any review of surgeon’s service then you need to personally meet the surgeon and ask for some references. An experienced surgeon will never hesitate to furnish the reference. You can also ask for before and after pictures of his customers. Normally, every surgeon has a database of such pictures.

If you become successful in locating an experienced surgeon then you would be able to get desirable outcomes from your own hair transplant surgery. It is good to know that only a highly skilled surgeon is capable to perform FUE Hair Transplantation in Dubai in a right way. The most demanding step of this surgery is the placement of grafts. A surgeon needs to place grafts in a right angle and at a right place. If he fails to place graft into right direction then newly transplanted hair will grown in an unnatural direction.

So, find an experienced surgeon and get natural results of your hair restoration surgery.