Friday, 25 July 2014

Advanced FUE Hair Transplant

Do you want to restore your hair back without any kind of scar? The best treatment available in FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai. In this clinic, you are able to get advance treatment of hair loss. FUE harvesting is considered one of the best hair restoration methods all over the globe. Only the expert doctors are able to perform this transplant in the right way. Therefore, you always need to choose the best clinic in Dubai.

What is FUE?

It is stands for follicle unit extraction. In this method, hair is removed from the scalp one by one and then placed onto bald area of head once hair transplant technicians turn them into the grafts. This is a latest technology of hair transplantation. Since hair are extracted one by one, no hair strip is removed therefore people are able to get permanent hair without any scarring.

FUE harvesting is better than FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai because former method involves no scarring and stitches. FUT is an invasive surgery while FUE is pain free. The people who need fast recovery should opt for FUE harvesting. The quick recovery in FUE is possible because hair is removed one by one not collectively as happens in the FUT. Surgeon doesn’t use scalpel , so no cut and stitches. There is no need to get any kind of bandage. People are able to get back to work after one week. They only need to abstain from smoking and heavy work.

These days, people are able to undergo not only manual but also robotic FUE surgery. In manual surgery, hair is removed by the surgeon while a robotic tool removes the hair in robotic method. Fact is that results of manual surgery are always better than robotic FUE harvesting. So, you need to pick a clinic where surgeon offers manual hair surgery.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

No Scar involves in FUE Hair Transplantation

It is a fact that many people have undergone through the traditional hair surgery process but sooner or later they realize that this procedure doesn’t offer great satisfaction. Many people get attracted toward FUT harvesting since this surgery is affordable in comparison to FUE. They restore their full head of hair back. They feel great satisfaction in the beginning but they feel discomfort after it. Do you know why? Well, the simple reason is the big linear scar that makes the results of hair transplantation simply unattractive for those people who give a due attention to aesthetical appearance.

If you visit a well-reputed FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai, then an expert hair surgeon will make it really clear to you that the major benefit of this surgery is no scar. You might have no idea why this is called as major benefit. It is suggested to you to contact a person who have undergone through the FUT surgery, he will surely say you that he is satisfied from the hair growth but he doesn’t want any scar.

It has been reported by many patient of hair loss that they first preferred FUT over FUE hair transplant surgery because they couldn’t afford the expenses of FUE. After two year, they felt good about the growth but what made them worried is the linear scar that didn’t look good on their head. They wanted to get rid of it. So they planned a revision surgery in the form of FUE harvesting. The main purpose of revision surgery is to hide the scar.

Instead of planning a revision surgery, you should have to take a right decision at the right time. You need to get a surgery that doesn’t involve a scar. If you take an affordable surgery at start and then opt for a revision surgery then cost of both surgeries will be higher than a standard FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai. So, make a rational decision.