Sunday, 9 November 2014

Hair Transplantation an- Overview

During consultation patients seems to be curious to know about how In FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai process PRP can be performed and our qualified surgeons satisfied them after telling the procedure of injecting into or sprayed on the recipient site area. This treatment is beneficial for male and female baldness pattern after injecting PRP into the balding scalp which potentially stimulates thin hair to grow into thicker hair.

Platelet-rich plasma contains seven platelet growth factors, as well as antibacterial peptides, catecholamines, serotonin and three important proteins, which positively impact the process of regeneration. Apart from the positively impacting and stimulating regeneration, PRP therapy also normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles this therapy is completely painless. Now clinical approved that PRP can positively affect hair growth on the long-term.

After getting idea about this procedure next question from patient what would be the estimated cost for this procedure then we told them first we examine the area of baldness then ask about procedure which you ant because Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai  is totally depend upon area of baldness and procedure. We assure them that our facility is not a commercial high volume clinic where equipment is not sterilized and the hair surgeon is absent and hair technicians perform the surgical procedure. Our hair transplant surgeon is personally involved in the pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative care to our patients. The results were statistically compared to the control group of patients who received a hair transplant with and without application of PRP therapy.