Tuesday, 27 May 2014

What Benefits you get Through FUE Hair Transplant Dubai?

Today, the most common cosmetic problem that is faced by men is hair loss. You can easily find many men with bald head around you. Some men like to cover their head with hat, while other have to rely on temporary hair solution. But very soon every man realizes the importance of a Hair Transplant in Dubai. Actually, a surgery allows them to restore their hair for long term. 

Hair they grab through a surgery will never fall out again. Though people are able to get FUT hair transplantation in Dubai yet fact is that men prefer FUE hair restoration method.

Here are some benefits that you can enjoy by getting a surgery in FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai.

Fear-less Surgery/ less invasive

Despite cutting-edge technology used in the clinics, many men are afraid of getting a hair surgery that involves stitches and blades. However, this fear has gone away completely due to FUE harvesting. This surgery is less invasive than FUT hair transplant. It involves neither cutting nor stitching.

Aesthetic Results

Though FUT harvesting procedure gives every person a chance to enjoy natural-looking new hair for long term but major problem is that it leaves behind a big, linear and visible scar. Nevertheless, people who opt for FUE harvesting never experience this drawback. They are able to shave their head even after surgery without worrying about noticeable big scar, since there is literally no scar leave behind in it. People who need aesthetic result of surgery normally give a due preference to FUE.

Short Session is Possible

People who lose eyebrow or eye lashes normally have to undergo an eyelash or eyebrow transplants in Dubai. Surgeon always uses FUE technique for restoring hair of small area. Small session is not possible with FUT. FUE is an advanced method that makes it easy for the surgeon to restore eyebrow and eyelashes.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Know about Body FUE Hair Transplant

Don’t have adequate donor hair? Want to cover the bald head? No need to worry, because exert hair surgeons of FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai are in a position to get required number of donor hair from your body. In simple words, Body FUE hair transplantation is a technique that makes it easy for you to get back adequate coverage and density on your bald head.

Be Realistic
A person who is facing acute hair loss problem whenever thinks about the hair transplant surgery, he has an illusion of full head of hair that he can recover from the procedure. Fact is that surgeon provides normal hair density but they will never promise you dense and full head of hair. Actually, the people who don’t have adequate donor scalp hair supply can surely restore hair with the mean of body donor hair yet this supply isn’t unlimited. They always have limited number of donor hair that they need to transplant in a careful and rational way.

Density vs. Coverage
The patients with severe balding must have to sacrifice either for coverage or density of hair. If a patient wants high density then surely he won’t be able to enjoy good coverage. On the other hand, if he wants to cover full head of hair then he doesn’t need to care much about the density. It’s not possible to get full head of dense hair in any situation. During initial consultation session with the patient, surgeon always ask from the patient what he is expecting from the surgery. In case, his expectation with density far exceeds what can be obtained through hair restoration then he might not be an ideal candidate for hair transplantation.

Body Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai is always higher than standard FUE and FUT harvesting. This method is suitable for those who can afford much but they don’t have required number of donor hair.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

What You Must Know About Motor and Manual Tool of FUE?

In an advanced FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai, you often notice that doctor has been using either motorized or manual punch tool for extracting hair. With the advancement of technology, we have seen many changes in the tools and procedures of follicular unit extraction. The debate on the best tool for FUE still continues since new tools hit the market every year. A patient of hair loss who is undergoing through an FUE hair transplant must have an idea which tool will be effective for his surgery. Get complete information about both motorized and manual punches.

Manual punches

As the name describes, these tools have been operated by hand entirely. There is no moving part in it. Some tools though have adjustment for depth. Many surgeons claim that manual punches always offer concrete feedback whenever they punch graft. In addition, this tool doesn’t overheat while motorized systems get heated after some time. The main advantage of manual punch is no over-heating and great resistance against tissue and hair shaft. However, what makes manual punches use limited in Hair Transplantation in Dubai is that this tool takes longer time and provides fewer graft in one session as compared with motorized tool. Surgeon and patient normally feel fatigue after this process since it takes too much time to complete for.

Motorized Punches

As the name implies, a motorized punch uses mechanical or electrical assistance that spins the device faster and thereby harvest more grafts quickly than manual punch. Surgeon is able to generate more grafts in less time with the mean of motorized system. There are two main problems with this system: one is overheating and second is low resistance against tissue.

A surgeon who relies completely on motorized systems is able to place more grafts in one session than surgeon who uses manual tool.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Why Cost of FUE is Higher than FUT?

It is a common question that comes into the mind of people who are interested in undergoing through a hair restoration surgery. Actually, when a person visits an FUE HairTransplant Clinic Dubai then he comes to know that this process is quite expensive. When he goes to a cosmetic surgery clinic where FUT harvesting is offered then he notices this surgery is less expensive or somehow affordable. He gets confused which procedure to choose because generally speaking both procedures yield same results. He doesn’t know what makes cost of FUE hair transplant Dubai more than FUT procedure.
Below you would be able to explore reasons that make FUE more expensive than FUT.

Labor Intensive Procedure

The Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai for FUE procedure is high because this procedure requires more effort of a hair transplant surgeon. In FUT, surgeon performs surgery along with his hair transplant technicians. In FUE, every single task from extraction to graft placement has been performed by a surgeon.

No Scar

The people who want to restore hair without any scar normally opt for FUE since this surgery doesn’t involve any kind of stitches and blades. Surgeon uses special tool for extracting the follicle units from the donor. Extraction of hair is done so gracefully that no scar leaves behind.

Time Consuming Process

Surgeon extracts hair one by one from the donor area. This extraction procedure is quite lengthy and time consuming. Since surgeon spend more time for this surgery, so it is reasonable if he asks additional money for it.

Advanced Method

FUE is an advanced method of hair transplantation. It neither results any scar nor takes much time for healing. Its quick recovery procedure is possible due to no stitches. Surgeon doesn’t use blades. He uses sharp needles for extraction of FUs from donor area.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

FUE hair Transplant for Women

FUE HairTransplant in Dubai is not only for males but also for females. It is good to know that FUE procedure for men is quite different for FUE method for women. In female pattern baldness, women loss the hair but not as completely as men do. Though women lose less hair but thinning or area baldness create negative impact. Women get conscious about their appearance and self-image. They don’t like when other point out bald region of their scalp.

In male baldness case, a surgeon is able to take decision for hair restoration surgery quite quickly but he can not take this decision easily for female. It is somehow a tricky decision.

Scalp of female is evaluated by dermatologist and trichologist before surgeon suggests FUE or FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai. Female needs a regular treatment of at least one year before surgeon starts with actual surgical treatment.  Actually, women have some medical problem such as Telogen Effluvium, Alopecia areata, Active cicatrecial alopecia and Trichotelomania. These problems respond well to the medical treatment. The basic idea is to control hair loss first with the treatment and then with the surgical process.

In FUE Hair Transplant Clinic Dubai, surgeon first evaluates the scalp hair loss level. Normally, a good candidate for FUE hair transplant surgery is one who has diffuse central thinning of the scalp while frontal hair line has little or no effect of hair loss. Surgeon would like to do patch test in women before he plans actual large session of FUE harvesting for the females. Procedure of FUE for both men and women is same.

The result of FUE hair transplantation is quite impressive and long lasting. Women restore their self-image and self-confidence back along with their natural hair.