Sunday, 11 May 2014

Why Cost of FUE is Higher than FUT?

It is a common question that comes into the mind of people who are interested in undergoing through a hair restoration surgery. Actually, when a person visits an FUE HairTransplant Clinic Dubai then he comes to know that this process is quite expensive. When he goes to a cosmetic surgery clinic where FUT harvesting is offered then he notices this surgery is less expensive or somehow affordable. He gets confused which procedure to choose because generally speaking both procedures yield same results. He doesn’t know what makes cost of FUE hair transplant Dubai more than FUT procedure.
Below you would be able to explore reasons that make FUE more expensive than FUT.

Labor Intensive Procedure

The Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai for FUE procedure is high because this procedure requires more effort of a hair transplant surgeon. In FUT, surgeon performs surgery along with his hair transplant technicians. In FUE, every single task from extraction to graft placement has been performed by a surgeon.

No Scar

The people who want to restore hair without any scar normally opt for FUE since this surgery doesn’t involve any kind of stitches and blades. Surgeon uses special tool for extracting the follicle units from the donor. Extraction of hair is done so gracefully that no scar leaves behind.

Time Consuming Process

Surgeon extracts hair one by one from the donor area. This extraction procedure is quite lengthy and time consuming. Since surgeon spend more time for this surgery, so it is reasonable if he asks additional money for it.

Advanced Method

FUE is an advanced method of hair transplantation. It neither results any scar nor takes much time for healing. Its quick recovery procedure is possible due to no stitches. Surgeon doesn’t use blades. He uses sharp needles for extraction of FUs from donor area.

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